Product designer rant
In early startups specially in b2b, product designers are not designers they're rather design support. Always restricted to reach till minimum viable ux.
Though whatever gets shipped at the end is better from past but power of shaping product is largely placed at PM's table and engeneering table (feasibility). Now you can avoid complaing and show high agency, partner with PM in defining Product but the default power house is still PM, not the designer. Also you don't have time for this because designs need to shipped to add to next sprint.
At the end you just take a deep breath and sigh because you made something better, bit better if not far from what existed before.
I guess high impact/ product definition work gets done by designer in big orgs only not only early age startups.

What does a day to day work look like for a product designer? And is it a tech role like frontend or something else?

To all the new Product Designers/UX Designers thinking this field is easy to get into. This is the reality of our field
Field is saturated and you will seriously struggle to find work. Not gate keeping, just laying out the reality. If you're up for the challenge then good, if not then you should look at some other fields.
Product design is kind of weir...

Thanks to the glamourisation of the design industry and 499 rupees design degrees!

Is UX design undervalued?
ux teams are always the last to be considered. it sucks when design only gets attention when things go wrong. how do u guys make your work stand out?

Market ruined because of low entry barrier in UX Design? 🤔
Looking at the sad state of UX market in India makes me think about the scene few years back. In 2018-19 many folks who found coding or other roles a little difficult switched to UX.
UX design was glorified even more by few design in...