So, I’ve been at this IT company in Bangalore for 4 years. I’m not some rockstar dev, but I’ve consistently delivered projects, mentored juniors, and even got client shoutouts. Last month, though, our team lead position opened up. Everyone assumed I’d get it, except my manager. Instead, they promoted Rajesh (name changed), a guy who joined a year after me.
Here’s the kicker: Rajesh is constantly in the boss’s DMs. He agrees with every terrible idea, stays late just to “be seen,” and once literally brought the manager homemade biryani to “build rapport.” Meanwhile, his technical skills are mediocre at best. Our director even said during the announcement: “Rajesh truly embodies our company’s values of loyalty and commitment.”
Questions for Grapeviners -
1.How do you deal with coworkers who prioritize buttering up bosses over actual work?
2.If you’ve quit a job over this, did switching companies help?
3.Is there a way to “play the game” without selling your soul?
TL;DR: Got passed over for a promotion because I focused on work, not flattery. Is this normal in India, or is my company uniquely toxic?
Am I crazy for feeling cheated? I asked HR for feedback, and they said I “lack soft skills” and “need to align better with leadership.” Translation: I didn’t kiss enough a$$.
Now I’m seeing this everywhere:
Teammates skipping meetings to run personal errands for the boss.
Managers promoting people who laugh at their unfunny jokes.
Seniors taking credit for juniors’ work but calling it “team effort.”
Is this just how Indian companies operate? My friends in MNCs say promotions are slightly fairer there, but even they’ve seen favoritism.
Are startups any better? Or is loyalty > skill the unwritten rule everywhere?