[Rant] Rich people with massive economic upside should not dictate our lives
All the founders mentioned in the photo below have a huge economic upside if their startup succeeds. Possibly even billions of dollars. Their families for the next 3 generations wouldn't really have to work - they'll prolly just have daddy/identity issues.
But why should I as a small time employee who barely makes Rs 12 lacs/yr work that many hours? What is my upside? A 15% hike if I get promoted?
We shouldn't let rich people dictate how we live our life. Us and them are not the same. Their cringe show off about killing their bodies to work hard makes me sick Go touch some grass and meet your family and laugh and smile with them Ignore the billionaires
End of rant

Shantanu Deshpande runs a shaving company, but he's acting like an industry leader. It's just a shaving company—stop portraying yourself as a thought leader just because you have a podcast.

Firstly - Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can choose to lead the life the way you want.
They are just sharing their experience and learning. Working hard might have worked well for them and / or people around them. That’s just their world view.
Is it the only path - probably not. Who knows.
You can learn from them or ignore their advice. I don’t think any of them cares.

Real ID se aa Bhavish Aggarwal

If everybody had a choice, majority of the Indians wouldn't work. am not saying this. shaving guy himself said this.
every single job has aleast 700-800 applicants. and at every drop of hat we are reminded by the super intelligent managers that we should be grateful for having a job. So, no most of us didnt chose the path. This is the only path we have.

Gen Z should form unions and guillotine anyone who exploits them and asks to work more hours than they are paid for. Just like the United Healthcare CEO, if one of these bastards is taken out in India, all of them will fall in place.
To all the CEO worshippers, you are a wage labour. We all are. If you do not own equity in the company you are a wage labour irrespective of your job title. Work your 8 hours and get out of that shithole you call office

Firstly they are working so much because its their own company. And they want to make good profits as they have most of the companies equity. We as a employee, even if we work 110 Hrs we hardly get 20 ~ 30 % raise in a salary. Look at everyone. They are super rich!! They have house help/maid for everything. A normal employee needs to take care of his family as well.

SD is a known toxic CEO who once threatened an intern with ruining their career. This was because he wanted them to work from office.

Founder here. Running 2 agencies with fully remote teams. I work 18-20 hrs a day. My take is, as long as the team members are not exploited, and are paid well, on the business level it makes sense. The moment the founders treat employees as disposable, non-integral part of the system is when the problems start. Just because the founders are working their ass off for their company, it doesn't mean everyone should.

Just leave and build something of your own.

Takle ka razor kahin aur hi daal dena chahiye. Dimaag thikane aa jaayega


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Check what my friend sent me on Instagram. 😂

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