React or Angular

I am an Angular developer. I want to switch my job. Should I learn react as well. Are there more jobs in react or Angular? Please help as I badly need to switch.

9mo ago

Bro prefer going to full stack ? You would be considered freshers in react of you apply for the jobs and it would be tough since so many freshers are applying

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by TwirlySushiSoftware Developer

React or Angular

I am an Angular developer. I want to switch my job. Should I learn react as well. Are there more jobs in react or Angular?

People who are in the same field or maybe recruiters hiring for these roles, PLEASE HELP!!

I am in a very toxi...

Ask Grapeviners
by TwirlySushiSoftware Developer

React.JS Study Material

I am an Angular developer. I know Javascript well. So I am thinking of learning React.js. I am looking for a job switch and many jobs require both Angular and React. So can you please suggest me where should I learn React from to be pre...