Referral needed at J.P. Morgan
I came across a job post on the careers website of JP Morgan and I think I am a perfect fit for the role, is there anyone from JP Morgan who can provide me a referral? I have 1.5 years of internship experience, 1 year as an ML Platform Engineer and t months as an backend developer. I know python, ML, DL, NLP, Django, javascript, docker, fastapi, GO, tensorflow, pytorch, linux and kubernetes. The job ID is 210529205.
JOB LINK: https://jpmc.fa.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1001/job/210529205 I am willing to send my resume on DM.
6mo ago
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Can you please share interview experience?
Hey @Abd17 are you comfortable sharing your linkedIn profile so that i can reach out to you for a referral in future?
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