Referrals for aSDE role (freshers) at Swiggy. To whoever this is helpful for...

Please do not go for this unless you don’t have any other choice. This is just blatant misuse of the poor folks who will work at less than half the pay and do almost the same work as an SDE.
Here senior folks are leaving and these guys are replacing them ASDE’s at 8LPA. Only god knows what the management is doing in the name of cost cutting.

Can u give a bit more context why it's a misuse. Also, 8 LPA at Swiggy is better than 3-4 LPA at WITCH

Its 6 months contractual + conversion. To all the folks, your conversion will depend on your performance of 6 months.
Also, previously the entry level role at swiggy was SDE, now they have decreased it to ASDE with lower pay than what they were offering during SDE.

What the heck is associate sde, sde 1 is supposed to be the starting point. Guess what's coming next, junior associate sde with 1/4 sde pay

And even in this they have written 0-2 years experience, why on earth would a person with >1 year experience join this? Good joke swiggy

This is a bakwass fellow. For referral money he keeps doing this