Stocks(RSU) in Freshworks
I have doubt regarding RSU’s in freshworks. I got new hire RSU. Are they giving refresher stocks on every year? Can anyone confirm this.
I have received $100,000 worth of RSUs that is vested in 3 years with Paypal (Chennai, India). I heard that the RSU refreshers are varied in nature and will not be same as the initial one granted.
Could anyone help with what's the percentage of fixed component that gets refreshed as RSUs every year?
I have doubt regarding RSU’s in freshworks. I got new hire RSU. Are they giving refresher stocks on every year? Can anyone confirm this.
What are the percentages for fixed and variable? Also, how frequently do they refresh RSU?
Hey guys, I have an offer from PayPal and the offer has a 3 year stock component to it. Offer details:
Base: 29 LPA Stock: $40,000 over 3 years Current comp: 24 base, no stock.
I wanted to know what happens after 3 years? Do my stocks ...