Salary of CPO, SVP product
Hi, what are some average salary of CPO, Head of Product, SVP of Product at mid to late stage startups? I understand it will be a mix of cash + equity. What are those levels?

3-4 Cr cash (fixed + variable) + ESOPs

Did u take any drugs? U must be day dreaming. See the Founders salaries report by Inc42 to get an estimate of Startup Founder salary and their startup valuation.
Also, without any knowledge don't post numbers that might give false expectations to the community

I agree. Though founders initially keep their cash component low as they are already loaded with equities.

4/5 cr

Did u take any drugs? U must be day dreaming. See the Founders salaries report by Inc42 to get an estimate of Startup Founder salary and their startup valuation.
Also, without any knowledge don't post numbers that might give false expectations to the community

You seem to be an expert with all knowledge of entire industry.

At my company (fortune 100 retail) , a senior product director earns around 1.5 cr. Around 1.1 fixed and the remaining is variable. VP and above would obviously earn more. But 4-5cr as per one of the comments seems too high

40-50 LPA in hand is generous

@ElonTusk If there's atleast one good startup that's not paying 2cr+ for Head of Product, are you ready to put a big tattoo on ur forehead that you are the biggest asshole or dickhead?
I clearly mentioned in a comment that I have seen Meesho to be one company paying 45L for 5+ YOE. I also mentioned to see Grapevine salaries section.
Just bcz u got it with sheer luck and good times when u started 2 yrs back, doesn't generalizes things and overconfident ones like u are eventually meant to be laid off or get their salaries corrected like what happened and what's happening with many startups. As kunal shah tweeted "It's fascinating how many people survive in companies without adding any real value" seems like ur one among them.
If u started as PM rn, then u would have known the pain in the ass.

1-1.5 cr cash component + around 1 cr ESOPs + variable (tied to revenue/profits)

Whatever they quote double it .. nowadays salary negotiation is anyway happening like roadside shopping with hawkers.... They quote an amount, we quote back and absurd amount , and finally we meet in the middle. Both sides go happy that they negotiated a good deal

4/5 cash component looks too high. Isn’t it?