Salary of senior consultant and manager in EY
What is the salary range of senior consultant and manager position in EY? Want to get an idea on this.
What is the salary range of senior consultant and manager position in EY? Want to get an idea on this.
How much you are being offered and in what team? Profile? Based on that we can help in judging if its good or scope for more. It also depends on how desperately they need you or have to replace a outgoing person in a running project with important client.
Wtf. Scon 1 16-17? Maybe it's different for Tier 1 MBAs
How much do they getM
My friend did mba from isb and he was offered 21+4 offer lol
Senior consultant has 3 scales - 1,2,3 then comes the Manager profile. SC1- 16-17 Manager - 21-23
What about SC2 and 3? Also, manager salary looks low to me
No idea but these are the standard salaries once you initially join them in these bands. You may get upto 27 including 4 lacs bonus as a manager post an year.
It's EY, no manager is getting even close to 30. Supercoder has the right numbers.