
Save Water

Water is very essential thing in our life.Water is an essential element of every living being.Human body is composed of 70% of water like that in other living organism also water place and important role informing a better body system.

Today water has become a most essential thing in human life as it is used in day to day life. we uses water in many ways for farming cooking bathing washing without water nothing can be done. but as we use water in our day to day life we are forgetting the value of water, thathow much please it.We just uses the water in away that it get wasted. the water have been polluted from factory waste, from human works. We are not using the water in proper manner in which it should be used. if the wastage of water will increase in this way,a time will come when water have to be recycled from Oceans and normal people would not afford them. We have to take actions to conserve water and use it in manner that we can sustain water for future. If today we will not take actions our tomorrow will be more dangerous that we cannot expect.

3mo ago
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Just wasted a few liters in support of your useless argument.
If you want to truly save water go sue Nestle or PepsiCo and every automobile manufacturer in the world.


Thanks gor your suggestions. Next time I will take it in my mind


Can you please provide solutions as well

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