Second year CS undergrad
Currently I am in my second year from a Tier 3 college. On campus placements at my college for the 2024 batch is really worse. Few companies are hiring for sales roles etc. and most of them are putting tough eligibility criteria and hiring only few.
To be very honest, I have no hopes from on campus placements. I am going for the off campus route. What should I do to get a decent intern in third year/fourth year and a decent job by the time of graduation?
Talking about my progress, I am doing DSA, taking part in contests in Codechef, Codeforces, and Leetcode. Besides that I have started learning Machine Learning. Have done only the Math part and basics though still now. Been to 2 offline hackathons.

Keep doing DSA. Try to land some good internships leading to a job. Try for gsoc during summers

DSA/CP? Not much into open source. I was thinking of applying for LFX and related programs though.

for sales roles why do CSE? do MBA. Explore various CS areas and find one that interestes you, look at your syllabus.
Every indian has this attitude of rote learning, lack of scientific temperament. why are you doing DSA man?
just learn the fundamentals from your syllabus, check MIT ocw, https://github.com/ossu/computer-science, etc
remember, programming is engineering, debugging is science. don't watch videos, learning should be active and experimental, trial and error, learn by doing. read articles, blogs, books, etc
start with K&R c pdf.

Start building relationships with your alumni working at top firms. Remember a job requires more than just tech skills then why not focus on that also. Read about cold email recruiters etc.

Good with networking. But how to cold mail recruiters?

Lot of resources available online. Do some research and you'll learn even new things by doing that.