Many forget to value the running expenses of a car. It is not just your initial capital outlay, but the consumables will be a big drain too.
Every time you take the car out, it wil cost you money. Every day you car stays parked, it will cost you more in future. Insurance, repair , services, normal cleaning is all cost and a headache.
You will think long driving will be fun, let me assure it after your fourth drive, it will be a drudge.
You will plan travelling is a great break, it will cost you money and after a few trips it will wear you out.
So, don't go by advts, movies, peer pressure. Car owning/driving in India is a headache. Don't do it.
But unfortunately the car virus has infected you, so you will buy, I didn't listen when I was given this advise. I have no reason to believe you or anyone who is Infected with this car virus to.
Go for a compact sedan. Don't buy the overpriced shitty compact SUV.
Happy motoring!!!!