
Should I buy PS5?

I've been wanting it since I was a kid just like I wanted an ipad. I pondered over ipad for 2 years and then ended up buying it. It has been 8 months since I bought it and it's lying discharged because I don't know what to use it for.

Similarly I've been craving to buy PS since I was a kid. I like gaming but not too big of a fan and now im concerned that even if i buy PS 5 will i use it?

Whats your suggestion? I don't want to throw 50k like I did for iPad. 🤐

PS: I can very well afford it so money isn't a problem. It being worth the money and I being able to use it is, and I don't know what to do

8mo ago
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I’ll give a counter point though.
I bought it because I loved gaming as a kid up until college.

Then years went into college, job, hard work.

Now the job is demanding and I come back home to see the PS5 lying there and me having very little time to really complete any game

Even when I start something on the weekend, I quickly get bored because I know I’ll probably never get to complete it

P.S: This is just a me problem though. If you have time, go for it. It’s anyway good to have the option :)


Same here. PS5 is switched off but my life worries are always on.


Same pain point and that's why the worry


I can relate to your situation. I always wanted to buy an iPod touch, and when I finally bought it, I got bored with it within six months. It's just been sitting in my drawer ever since. However, I also purchased a PS4 Pro, and I've been kind of hooked on it. After coming home from work, I sometimes fire it up and enjoy it, forgetting about the problems of the outside world.


That's why we earn dude!
Go for it.


You should go for it. Buy Ghost of Tsushima and see your life change for good.


Why buy? Better to take a membership of 500 month and get your games free digitally


If you are into gaming then worth buying. I think I understand where you are coming from. You want to buy but need validation from others to justify the impulse buying.

Anyways I bought it in Jan and spend a decent amount of time there. Also you should note that for consoles you need to pay for games. Eg a new release costs around 4.5-5K for PS5. Also make sure you have a tv that can support the ps5 otherwise doesnt make sense to buy console alone.

I bought sony bravia A80L and ps5 together. It costed me around 1.9L after discounts etc.

PS Dont buy it just play FIFA or NFS.


PPS - I have the guilt of under-usage as job is demanding plus I have a 4yo boy, so I can only play when he is asleep.


Dad and complete game buff here. Had a ps2, 3, 4, and now 5. I get up at 4/5 am and play couple hours before the house is up. Rogue-likes and sports games work for me (Hades, Returnal, NFS, FIFA, Cricket) work well for me where you can stop anywhere. Keep your inner child alive! Don’t kill it because of your job. Our life expands according to the time we want to spend in activities.

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