Okay, what I'm going to say is going to sound super harsh and probably rude but I think you need a reality check
You're sitting in India, probably one of the most child friendly cultures in the world (in the sense that you're not expected to move out or work at 18, your parents are fully prepared to pay for and take care of you all your life, especially if you're the son)
I'm assuming your college was all paid for without loans, you have a roof over your head and didn't have to worry about earning anything
With all that comfort, you had 13 backs in an education system where teachers literally dictate notes even to 20 year olds and spoonfeed everything.
Inspite of not having to worry about getting food on your table, having a stable roof on your head, your bedroom, your underwears washed (by someone else) you have neen unsuccessful in finding a job in a country where somebody's chacha always has a dukan or a side business one can learn from
Now you think, you'll go to a completely foreign country, assume the HUGE responsibility of lakhs of rupees of loans, find a roof over your head, worry about meeting rent every month, worry about keeping the lights on and whether or not you have food on your table at night, wash your own utensils and underwear, have absolutely no family or support system of any kind and not only will you successfully complete your degree (in an education system wherein you'll be expected to take and make your own notes, in a language which is absolutely not your mother tongue and you make rookie mistakes in - you take an exam, not give an exam) BUT you'll find a part time job, juggle that with your degree AND find a good high paying job? Do you see how that sounds?
Buddy, the truth is, unless you feel that your family, culture or environment has held you back somehow (toxic or too controlling a family, not actually having the privileges I've listed above) or you're loaded and the loan amount would be less, you'll waste your time and money 1/n