So many APMs are giving gyan on Twitter and colleges
What’s up with these so called TPF guys like Suhas and his children along with few other APMS in the market from Razorpay/ Upraised giving product gyan without buildling any substance. If you check internally you see they have never build any good products or have seen scale

What else do you think they do? Gyaan is their bread and butter. They have no real skills to actually build something, so yeah empty vessels make lot of noise.

they should rather focus on helping them build or see a life cycle of a product.
but unfortunately, they are just mother ed tech juicing people's time and money who seek iobs

Lol.. I read APMs and thought of appdynamics and Dynatrace.

I came to know that at least some of the names listed by TPF on their website as those who have found TPF helpful are false claims. They added false reviews without permissions. This was during the first iteration of their course/program. Not sure whether it's still there or not.