Ask them if you can give me 2-3 cr then I can join in 2-3 days
For money I would nuke countries bro. Selling seems a lot nicer.
After all this, the recruiter will ask you "So tell me, why do you want to join us?"
Lot of offers are coming for night shift only, it's really hazardous for health.
Got rejection email from the company which i so much wanted to get in. Got rejected after the system design round. I tried my best but not sure what went wrong. How do you guys handle such situation? One email just thrashed whatever you ...
Happens with the best of us. Can’t do much. Just learn from the mistakes and move on. No time to regret and get demot...
Order momos, watch a movie and then get back on the grind
Trying to see companies that people here have had the dream to join, but didn’t ultimately work out. Have you now grown over it?
For me it was McKinsey It was the best job out of college, status wise. Did well in college and made it to the...
I got laid off from my dream company Microsoft which I had got after converting my internship into a PPO. Couldn't re...
Bright Money, folks seemed very bright too. Good culture, great learning. The pay was the issue. Have I grown o...