
speciality Coffee

Hi everyone, wanted to get a broader understanding on specialty coffee as a investment opportunity. what are your views on this space and would love to chat more on what are some of the parameters that I should look out for.

13mo ago
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Blue tokai already has. I think you will find sizeable market if the taste is good. I observed people are more accommodating in Coffee compared to Tea when it comes to experimenting in taste. Though I started drinking only Black cofee and I have no plans to change the powder ever. All the best.


Hey thanks for this, this is insightful. How about a internet first brand which is not venturing into any offline channels as of now.


I believe there is market. Oldies very likely are not going to change..e.g. ask how many shifted from Nescafe to Bru or viceversa. You seldom find. But youngsters and middle aged (30-35) may like to taste specialty coffee. People are spending money on Arabica though it is very costly compared to cheaper Robusta. Such people may like to spend on speciality coffee.


As avid enjoyer and brewer. This space seems to me small right now (in metro cities mostly) and also loyalty driven. People swear by few brands for the coffee (Blue Tokai, Kapi Kottai, Bloom Coffee roasters etc). New brands like slay and dope trying to lower down the cost but compromise a lot of good taste. The biggest barrier for home brewing is the cost of quality apparatus, this I feel is the biggest gatekeeper. To home brewer like me this is a big issue as good quality apparatus like a good scale or a grinder cost a lot.

To break into the market would require teaching people about the equipment, making them understand the flavors, running workshops etc. Which Blue tokai is extensively pushing into.

There is a great blog from Pranav Manie (Search for Hot Chips in substack.) titled "Boom, Roasted" on this. Give it read.

Also I would love to hear on what you are trying to establish and what it brings to a customer like me if you are up for that.


Hey this is super insightful, constant knowledge sharing by brands like Blue tokai has played a significant role as a lot of folks are willing to experiment, but of course that's a very small chunk, and forming habits is a difficult task how are these brands planning to crack it is something that I'm looking forward to. So just to give you some context, I was evaluating a d2c first coffee brand as an investment opportunity so wanted a broader understanding on this space.

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