I've been working in Accenture over 1.8 , I'm facing lots of toxicity, politics in my daily work now these days. I've been through a mental trauma as I was under the process of PIP ( Performance Improvement Program) , the clear reason behind it is boot licking, me & one of my colleagues both were into this process, I performed well enough & got 3.5/4 in tasks so they retain me , but she got 0/4 ...for that reason they terminate her. But after PIP in the office they're completely cornering me , they're not treating me as before.... I don't know what to do , I'm thinking to switch, but some says it's too early. I'm still under so much confusion.
If anyone help me in any way , it'll be thankful :)

Nope it's not too early. Actually it's late. That's why you're feeling excluded. Ideally whenever you're put on PIP you should start searching for a new job immediately because the company/people wants you out. You're lucky you have not been let go. Start preparing asap and switch.

But here different projects are there, if they give me roll off, I can work here in different envs & projects, she didn't even give me roll off , idk what she wants .... She forcefully suggested that I should change from dev to testing or BA

If you have once gone through PIP there's a certain perception that will always follow you in that company, no matter which project, no matter which team. It's very hard to change perception and most of the times it's pointless because the paperwork impacts increment, promotion cycles, everything. My advise would be - you switch asap. And please don't take BA or Testing Role no matter what. Stay in Software Engineering profession, the opportunities are far more and far better in engineering role. Switch to a new company, work hard and build perception from scratch

Learn any new Course and Move to another company