TCS Salary
What can be the maximum salary someone can expect from TCS as 5 years experienced candidate.

Which technlogy are you working on?


From TCS please dont expect much because HR always play with 40% to 50% hike with current CTC, you can directly ask them what is the maximum budget and lets say you have some number in your mind example 15 lpa and mention it is negotiable , then they will come up with lower offer and you can counter....if it goes well then good...at the end it is your call...and i wish you very all the best :)


Salary for 6 years of experience in TCS
How much salary should I expect from TCS for 6+ years of experience. Currently I have 21.59 LPA.

TCS System Engineer salary
What is the average salary of a system engineer in TCS? It would be very helpful if someone could share an approximate salary break-up as well.

TCS- IT Analyst C2 role
5 to 6 years of experiences how much salary range we can expect it from tcs ?
Anyone tell it based on the current market standards about IT Analyst C2 role in TCS