
This is now becoming toxic!

● "70-Hour Workweeks and Peanuts" - It's Not Just "How Markets Work" Claiming that grueling work hours and low wages are intrinsic to free markets oversimplifies a complex issue. Capitalism should mean fair exchange, not exploitation.

● "Founders' Fortunes vs. Employee Pennies" - Rethinking Entrepreneurial Rewards

Rewarding risk is valid, but amassing vast fortunes by underpaying employees raises ethical questions. Capitalism should be about equitable rewards, not just personal gain.

●"Don't Blame, Analyze the System" - Seeking Systemic Improvement

Critiquing capitalism isn't a personal attack; it's about refining the system. Understanding its flaws allows us to make it fairer for everyone.

●"Critique, Don't Opt Out" - Working Towards a Better Capitalism

Suggesting one should avoid capitalism if they criticize it oversimplifies the issue. Critique is a call for reform, not rejection. It's about making capitalism more equitable, not abandoning it.

No offense to the author, but the excessive toxicity that some folks spread across social media, be it on Twitter or LinkedIn, with others blindly hopping on board, really highlights how we sometimes let our critical thinking slide.

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16mo ago

"If you don't like capitalism, don't play it"

Jaise bahot options diye jaate h?


Jo Dusra option tha that has also failed in other countries. You can choose not to participate in the rat race, but then you shouldn’t be asking for the value/benefits capitalism has created either.

Solution is not so difficult. Find a way to make enough so that you get to make that choice whether to work 70 hours or not. Be it with your brains, skill, hustle, charm, body, whatever. If you don’t want you find that solution, stop blaming externalities for your condition.


Okay agree. But then allow capitalism like US does.

  1. Ask Murthy to be okay with moonlighting. I will gladly work 90hrs. Multiple jobs are allowed in the US while questioned and rejected by employers in India

  2. Stop cartelisation of salaries. Stop asking for my previous payslips while joining. Else make your pay transparent. Can't see functioning capitalism with that information asymmetry.

  3. Remove stupid notice periods on both sides. KT and handover is not employee's responsibility, but enterprise.

I could go on with Unions, overpay, access to finance, conflicts of interest, cronyism etc. But if we had capitalism like the US, Infosys attrition would jump to 40% from current 15% and bespoke IT consulting firms would eat Infosys before breakfast.

Also, Murthy is complaining because of wage rises in Indian IT, lack of contracts in US due to slowdown, increased competition from Eastern European IT up starts. That grumpy old man isn't a champion of capitalism himself.


Absolutely well written. It's very true that people at the top do work that much.

But to expect that from everyone is just unjust. A lot of us aren't narcissistic, money hungry, workaholics who will sacrifice everything for the sake of work.

It does not mean we don't care about our work, we're passionate too.

Just that we prefer balance!


Thanks for taking the time to read, and it's reassuring to know that people with your perspective are out there.


Aviral wishes he went viral.


He's such a try hard now. In the quora days he used to be pretty good. His ajvc also used to be pretty good. Now it's all low quality articles. He has turned into this one-liner-gyan chodu influencer.


That’s harsh. Haha


Me quietly taking notes on which places to avoid interviewing - thanks to all the loudmouth morons exposing themselves




work incredibly hard and stay determined in the pursuit of your goals.

So much that not even the devil will be happy to see you wake up each day.


He’s right. Understand the game, play better.

Give peanut output for peanut pay. Moonlight to get additional peanut pay for additional peanut output. Work for a year, switch jobs at a good hike. Increase your moonlighting cost as well. Repeat.

Reward for risk.




Hey buddy, I would have agreed on most of the points you stated but couldn't. This is basically because you and I have different definations of capitalism.

Your defination of capitalism gives thought and consideration about morals and ethics. I would love to live in a world which has capitalism according to your defination.

My defination of capitalism is a bit of gloomy one. One where constant economic growth for shareholders is the only metric that truly matters. This unsustainable model only works by exploiting people and our environment in general. For capitalism to work wonderfully , you need a large systemic disparity between people. People who are at the top earn 100 dollars but only pay 10 dollars to employees. The 90 dollar profit is capitalism. If we bring moral and ethics into the defination , we will have to pay employees according to the value they produced. The value produced is of 100 dollars. If it is distributed in an ethical way to employees then the profits vanish and so does capitalism.

I understand that you and I want a less ruthless defination of capitalism where ethics are considered. But the way capitalism works is that bad actors who can discount ethics and generate more profit are not penalized but rather rewarded.

Just food for thought :)


People still take this guy seriously? His only qualification is hacking the LinkedIn algorithm. Zero insights in his content - he just puked out publicly available content in a way that was easy to digest for masses. And now thinks he's qualified to talk about stuff like this. What a dumb fuck


Can't agree more at this!


Why are people not watching the video? And just talking without Context? Please watch the full video. Mr. Murthy said we need productive hours and in which atleast 70 hours of product hours must be put in to propel the nation. The whole video is full of valuable lessons and insights. Our generation has become just too woke to and read things just on the surface level and make judgments and have opinions. Such sad state will always keep our nation behind the west or even Asian countries like China, Japan, Singapore and even Vietnam.


I appreciate your acknowledgment, but I would like to clarify that my comment was specifically focused on the interpretation and concept of the 70 hours of work, without any mention of Murthy.

I provided my perspective on what seems to be driving this commitment. I hope it's evident that I intended to offer an analysis rather than adopting a "woke" stance.


I hated AV tweet to the gut. Going by his logic, it would be absolutely okay to do anything today, because Capitalism. If it weren't for the Law and Government, none of us would get paid leaves, maternity leave, child labour would still exist. His logic dictates let the free market take over, No problem in that but what about ethics and morals? A slave owner also took risks , bought a coffee estate, purchased slaves from Africa, so should slavery be allowed?

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