Hi Grapeviners,
Question for those at higher level (SM+)
How do you perceive your job?
Isn't that too demanding, boring and depressing (corporate politics) at the same time considering you're stuck doing it for years/decades on end(that too will intensify more you climb up)?
Essentially, I want to know what motivates you apart from you big checks?
Is it about the power that you enjoy over people? (i mean, does it really make you feel powerful?)
Or is it you can't go reverse because of the status and other factors that are attached with you?
Cuz my underlying assumption is that if you're doing a job and earning quite well then it's unlikely that you would get significant time to enjoy that money with your family/ friends or even alone. (pls correct me if I am wrong)
Like yesterday I was talking to a client AVP who's been toiling day n night over the weekends from last 2 month just like an unpaid intern.
If that's the path to carrer growth, then man, I am already done!😂
Your answers/ perspective would help me understand the point of chasing carrer growth from your lens and decide for myself!!
Thanks 🙏