This is how CPM came to power in Bengal in the 70's. Wealth in form on Land was redistributed among the landless laborer's and for the forst 10 Years, the poor was the biggest beneficiary. Infact during the first 10 years, the agri productivity was supposed to have jumped. But the wealthy and businessmen left Bengal for ever. The decline started from then on. by 90's land holding of individual became so small, that nobody was even interested in agriculture. Couped with the liberalization of the 90's, People were desperate to sell their land and go out. Thus west Bengal became waste Bengal.
Time to repeat the same across India. I hope they start with IT companies.

If Rahul Gandhi says 10 words, one word of them would be "caste". This is some stupid useless thing said before elections. Most of these stuff are not possible legally. Just a way to appease minority segment and fool them into voting for Congress.

All the leaders speaks about caste before election....This is true that poor becoming poorer and most of the india's wealth contracts are goin to few billionaire and in returns rulling party is getting donation in the form of electoral bond. Rahul Gandhi has some ethical value i personally believe and respect for others. He is educated and young should be getting chance.
I am terrified by the idea. If this is what they say in open, then what do they think behind closed doors. Suppose a person of age 55, who worked hard his entire life and raised his wealth, will be pauper overnight.
I want to ask this ch#### that your family ruled this country for 50+ fu##### years. And In those years tum gareeb nhi mita rahe the toh kya lar rahe the.
I just hope, they start redistribution from Robert Vadea😇
Robin hood movie dekha lagtha h
He should provide a "nehru euthanasia yojana" for all the taxpayers who sacrificed their family and tried to get a good quality of living by working hard and making money.
In this nation, there is no safety net for private jobs but have to pay lifeload of taxes because they earn more