
Thoughts on this?

Would love some unfiltered truth about the amount of work that is expected/is done at a 40-50lpa salary level.

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5mo ago

Varun Mayya is a known grifter. I’ll tell you his reality and how no one gives a serious thought to this scamster.

Him and his team have pushed courses to gullible youngsters via their shit product called “Scenes”. Unfortunately, their tech and product was so shit that they proceeded to scam companies by pivoting to SaaS.

Sold his company to Unacademy for less than what a SPM makes in the US. 😂😂

Meanwhile, he is busy siphoning off funds to his wife’s Aevy TV during his time working on Scenes. Ask anyone on that team and they will tell you that Varun did jack shit 💩 during that time. Mostly it was the Sales guy who kept the ship running.

It should be a case study so as to how a grifter is able to reach such heights by cultivating a personality. Many of us in the real tech ecosystem know about him, let me assure you: he can never raise another round from a Tier-1 VC in India again, and that’s why he says that he is bootstrapping. 😂


Makes sense. What about the post though, is it true that higher salary equates to more work and responsibilities or it depends?


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