[Thread] What is your exact workout split?
I am done with Push Pull Legs and doing that 6 days a week. Willing to get a coach if they can make me look more jacked and/or help me run faster, jump higher and lift heavier.

Legs Chest Back Shoulder Arms Abs/fast walk alternate days
What's your rep range and how often do you change your diet and exercise?

For me, most progress in terms of strength I made when I was doing 16 rep for 4 sets. Currently doing 10 reps for 4 and bulking. Gained around 4kgs in the last 2-3months. Still lean though. My exercise and diet changes every other 3months. Keep experimenting with your exercises and rep range.

12 rep range and 3 sets Never change diet or exercise. Compound lifts and increasing weights: Progressive Overload always

unrelated but what is the point of adding [Thread] in the title, when essentially every post here is the same with a title and comments.

I used this to pick my routine: http://www.rohitnair.net/pp/
Since i am able to go to gym only 3 days a week, rest of the days i have taken up running. Current routine (taken from http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=155009423)
Squats: warm-up, warm-up, work-set, work-set Bench Press: warm-up, warm-up, work-set, work-set Bent Over Row: warm-up, warm-up, work-set, work-set Over Head Press: work-set, work-set Stiff Legged Deadlifts: work-set, work-set Curls: work-set, work-set Calf Raises: work-set, work-set
3 days a week. 1st - heavy 2nd - medium (10% less) 3rd - lite (20% less)
lite warm up - 1/4th weight medium warm up - 1/2 weight weeks 1- 8 reps 2- 9 reps 3- 10 reps 4- 11 reps 5 - 12 reps

Damn this is a good way of looking at each set.

I have again started doing calisthenics after the surgery from 2 weeks following 3 days full body and alternate days skills while eating 4 tmeals a day. Earlier last year in starting i was 63kg and at the end of the last year I was around 72kgs but has to go through medical surgery so gained most of the fat and lost much muscles drastically. Now again starting journey first I'll continue with calisthenics for 2 3 months than will start weight training.

You don’t need a coach you need to educate yourself and be consistent with the workouts and diet.
Beginner friendly- https://youtube.com/@PictureFit?si=wR3SrAKcyP0kwruW
Intermediate/Advanced- https://youtube.com/@JeffNippard?si=tbmO0BqekfPQxRM_
If you are the reader kind (very comprehensive) - https://www.amazon.in/Bigger-Leaner-Stronger-Building-Ultimate-ebook/dp/B006XF5BTG