
Time For a Revolution

It’s disheartening to see 1000s of people being laid off in recent times. Most of them have a family to feed and EMIs / bills to pay.

Today it’s them and tomorrow it could be Me and You as well.

And it’s pretty much clear that these new age companies are not empathetic and would go to any extent to meet their goals.

Why isn’t any employee doing anything about these atrocities?

Following are the few ways to send out a strong message to these employers for abusing / blackmailing / and forcing resignations and PIPs (share more in comments)

  1. Boycott their products / Services - make a noise about it on social media.

  2. Stop subscribing to their IPOs or start dumping their stocks.

  3. Uninstall their apps.

13mo ago

Nobody batted an eye when bull run enabled so many mediocre folks to make fuck tons of cash.

Everybody losing their minds when the tide has now turned. This is just how capitalism works.

Your shitty java code that takes 45 mins to compile wasnt worth it after all.

For folks fawning over Europe, you can also just go there. Hard reality is that there are serious skill issues in most of you.

And companies will just move to geos with less regulation. Again, capitalism 101.

Embrace this and move on. Work on your skills.

Do not be a midwit.


Cant agree more


See the common masses doesn't know anything about layoffs. I'm talking about people who never stepped into IT field and those population is a lot. Lot than us. They may not even know what a layoff is or that it has been happening in the first place. Only when they realise it, all these boycotting stuff will work.

Remember the time when demonetization happened? The bank staffs worked beyond their usual hours for 3 days. It's not a big deal, But since every indian population uses banks they made it a big deal, people kept praising the staffs for working late. In reality, every other jobs require us to work late almost everyday.

My point is, the population working in tech is very less. It looks like a lot but it is very less. So anything that happens here, the common people doesn't get to know about it. Even our parents may not know what kind of work we do. So, what do they gain by boycotting the products?

Adding on to it, our country's labour laws suck. In US if you are conducting mass layoffs you need to register with the govt 1 month prior. And this information will be available publicly for anyone to see. No such thing for us.



Corporate employees should have some strong 🛡️ by labour laws


Yes strong labour laws are needed. Also, we might not be in large numbers but we definitely contribute to the significant chunk of their revenue.


Even those laid off say gloomy and bloomy stuff about the firm on Social Media. ( They think firm will rehire them or will stop peanut severance or give bad fb to KPMG when it will review background verification for next hiring)

If those who are at loss ain't taking a stand, who are me and you to fight for?

Be the change you want to see - Gandhi.


Cant blame everyone coz of few idiots


Workers of the world, UNITE!!


I'll boycott their sevices and IPO.


So when you were paid 67 lakh for 5 year experience, you were cool

Now boycott the companies and behave like a fool.


Who said I was paid 67 Lakhs 🥹


A lot were 🤪


You have nothing to lose but your chains, comrade


Nothing is going to happen to them. You would be just wasting your time.


Why not give it a try?


You won't have anyone's support ? People who are getting laid off are mostly the one with higher packages and that's a very small number of people to do any kind of revolution or boycott or whatever you wanna call it .


If layoffs are unavoidable. Then there should be proper rules around the severance and benefits that should be provided to people.
Companies also use unethical practices like asking employees to resign instead of calling it layoffs to avoid paying severance, this should be illegal. Many people are saying that layoffs are fair because a lot of people got crazy hikes during the boom and we should not complain now that the market is correcting. But it's also the fault of the companies who "miscalculated" and overhired.


Lol. There is no revolution without support of the masses. This country left it's common people behind for its IT and high tech jobs. Now they don't care because the top 5 percent have very different life from them.

What you are talking of uninstalling apps etc is cancel culture and it can work, but stop calling it revolution.

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