1 I’m balancing both IC and PM mgmt atm.
2 If folks <8-9yoe and get 80L, it’s not a pay cut , it’s Market correction. But, would prefer 4-6 months gap as opposed to pay cut and the psychological turbulence it brings
3 Family / Other responsibilities should not stop you from learning. If that’s the case, talk to your partner/ family and carve out at least 2-3 hours of focus time / wk, for starters
4 Who wouldn’t :P. Tried - organic farming, franchising, markets but realised that you need to go all in for a steady income stream at least for an year or so, I couldn’t give that time and hence refrained from side hustles. Moreover, I’ve seen side hustles are only possible for people who don’t have a main hustle ;)
5 Expectations are like Entropy , infinite and ever increasing.
6 Since the past couple of years, I’m spending at least 1-2 months / year in total with them, would like to spend more but they’re also working and uprooting them from their place isn’t possible right now. Probably when they move closer to home..