
TW - Euthanasia

There's was another Dutch lady in the news who decided to end her life in a similar manner in Jan'24. She was also 28. There's a famous YouTuber called Physics Girl who's suffering from Long covid for a year now.

I don't know what's the appropriate response here. Has anyone witnessed people with Long covid symptoms? Does it warrant taking your life at such a young age?

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7mo ago

They should legalise this as option in India too


Only those who're 'privilaged' will make use of this option, but for them, they can just get out of anything if they can wait it out

Passive euthanasia is legal in India


[Long Read Alert]

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I do feel we need to legalise euthanasia - even without severe health problems.

My reasoning for this is as follows: no one gets to choose if they are brought into this world. Your parents decide (or are forced) to have a child and here you are. This applies to literally everyone who has ever lived on Earth till date - socioeconomic background doesn’t matter.

Now, the world is a complicated place with its own challenges and beauty. Many people do well for themselves, many people learn to settle down and many others remain unsatisfied till the end.

The fact remains that you didn’t (or couldn’t) have consented to living in this world - and had no way of knowing what life would be like for you. You’re just here one day and you gotta deal with that.

Your parents do have the responsibility of ensuring a good life for you since they brought you here. But many people literally have children as a retirement plan - which sucks. Also, the state of the world can be just overwhelming sometimes - even if you’re doing okay on baseline “roti, kapda, makaan” essentials.

So ultimately, you should be allowed to leave if you really want to.

Of course we should offer counselling and alternatives as a help to someone contemplating euthanasia.

But as a society, we need to be empathetic enough to let people go - when they were brought here without their explicit consent and understanding in the first place.


What people are not discussing is long covid and how severe it affects one's life. I have seen my grandfather suffer in pain and illness for 2+ years. It's almost cruel to keep someone alive just for the sake of it, when what they re doing is not living. But does it translate to a physically healthy 28 year old. I don't know, but I am really interested in hearing about this

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