TIL - In India top 1% of income earners now control over 40% of the country's wealth
A significant increase from 12.5% in 1980
What percentage of Grapevine lies in the top 1%
1% rich = billionaires. Anyone who has accumulated such wealth wouldn't be on Grapevine 💰
So you are saying ki I am not a billlionaire? 🤧
You are wrong Gojek. Anyone who has 1.5 Cr networth (175k USD) is considered 1% in India
Grapevine junta with 50 lakhs package at 5 years exp 🤣😜 asking are they being lowballed with 70 lakh offer and top it all have temerity to ask how is WLB😭
Vast majority of Grapevine users will be top 1% as it takes 1.5 cr networth to be 1%. When we think of 1%, we immediately think of Ambani, Tata etc. In truth they are in top 0.000001%. Your average 1% is likely to be FAANG employee or a doctor
And just 200 families have some 80% of that 40%
Definitely Michael Scott
The 1% here isn't based on income, but based on net worth I believe. Hence, I don't think these people are of working population
Bas yehi din dekhna baki reh gaya tha :(
Wealth inequality? It's the rich getting richer, poor getting poorer. Typical Indian story. What's your contribution to this inequality?
Wealth inequality isn't a problem. Lack of access to basic life necessities and a decent quality of life is.
If there isn't a reward of wealth to look forward to, people become less competitive, things become expensive and mediocre.
A significant increase from 12.5% in 1980
Modi is not good for India
Marriage and kids are a choice, not rule
People (on this app too) are {stupid + confident} enough to state their opinion as facts
The present-day golden era of Indian billionaires has produced soaring income inequality in India—now among the highest in the world and starker than in the U.S., Brazil, and South Africa.
The gap between India’s rich and poor is now...
1% is 1.45 cr people. When we talk about the rich it automatically means 0.01%