What are the most absurd leave policies you all have experienced/ heard of?
What the fuck are sandwich leaves???? What is the point of them???

Idk what it is but they sound tastier than paid leave


Company : NAVI x = The number of consecutive working days you want leave / wfh If x <= 5 : this requires managers approval else if x > 6 and x <= 10 : this requires CTO s approval Else : it requires CEO s approval
PS : currently there is no CTO in the company; the ex CTO is now heading HR for some stupid reason

Approved for all

these are the leaves which Ross took when someone ate his sandwich

I used to have sandwiches leaves in one of my previous components (horrible HR policies). It is a stupid leave policy- if you take friday and the next monday off, it will count as 4 days of leave instead of 2. Sick and disgusting 🤮

Sandwich policy. Rejected an offer due to this.

I was going to say sandwich leaves. We planned a trip this Christmas weekend plus a leave before and after, a friend of mine can’t come because he isn’t allowed to take leaves before and after a long weekend, if he does, salary would be deducted for all those days. Now this is a stupid rule

In an Manufacturing OEM i worked, You take leave on sat and Monday, then Sunday is counted as leave. So you would lose extra day leave.

This wasn't a policy but one of my previous managers was proposing not being allowed to take leaves if there is any important work coming up(which was always) 😂😂

Worked briefly at a place that didn’t offer sick leave. Nope-d out of there soon after