by BouncyJellybeanInfosys
Appraisals in Infosys
What does the usual appraisal cycle look like in Infosys When do we get the appraisal mail and when does it actually reflect in our salary Experienced folks, please share your experiences
What does the usual appraisal cycle look like in Infosys When do we get the appraisal mail and when does it actually reflect in our salary Experienced folks, please share your experiences
My joining date in infosys is on September 26, 2024. Will I be a part of the 2025 appraisal cycle or do I need to wait till 2026 for my next hike?
Infosys to roll out annual hike letters before end of March https://m.economictimes.com/tech/information-tech/infosys-to-release-annual-hike-letters-before-march-end/articleshow/117956646.cms