When will Tech hiring will reach precovid levels?
COVID level hiring which happened till mid of 2022 was exceptional and will never happen again. But precovid situation was much better than now. If any of you are experienced and know industry in depth can you tell me when precovid level of hiring again begin?

precovid hiring was normal only. Post covid people were overhired for no reason. So its getting normalised.

So is it impossible for a person from tier 3 college to get into good product based companies such as FAANG or startups?

nope. U can, only the competition is fierce. Earlier the criterias that were loose, now those will be tightened, that's it.

When there is another wave of COVID and lockdowns, simple

I am talking about precovid level of hiring

Ask yourself, why was there so much startups and why were they getting funded. And now answer yourself, there are still problems to solve using digital mobile apps or easy money with Zirp. If the answer to both is NO, VCs are running away selling what they could or forcing IPOs and booking looses, you have your answer

That was once in a decade event. Maybe next decade we will see that kind of hiring.
