Why are hotels getting so expensive?
Lately, I observed that Indian hotels are so expensive to afford. No decent chain operated hotels are less than 10k INR. It increases even more once you try booking around a long weekend. I understand demand-supply etc but paying 30-35K for a 2-3 day stay is just exorbitant.
International travel >> Domestic
You can take an Airbnb or 2-3star hotel for international trips but if you take 2-3 star in India you will not even get tissue to wipe your a**.
Well if we consider Holliday inn express as 3 star then you would still get tissues to wipe the ass. But yea shit has gotten expensive.
Land cost , operation expenditure , luxury taxes are killing the hotel industry.
The bastards are greedy.
Tier 2-3 vacation cities have better deals