
Why do Indians hate India?

Whenever I read foreign media outlets, India is the new Asian Tiger that will outpace most emerging economies in growth. But Indian media and Indian people act like India is the worst place to be.

The dichotomy is extremely confusing. Why is it that foreign media coverage on our economy is more favourable than our own hopes and aspirations from this country?

PS: I am really big on Indian Exceptionalism, the belief that India's economic development and trajectory are unique or exceptional compared to other nations, driven by our large and diverse population, thriving middle class, our entrepreneurial spirit, and the emphasis on technology and innovation.

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-04-07/can-india-overtake-china-as-world-s-growth-engine-it-could-happen-by-2028

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9mo ago
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