
Why don't we have deep tech ?

Hi all, I graduated from IIT Delhi and have been working at well established startup since. So for a while I have been wondering why we don't have any deep tech startups doing innovation. Don't get me wrong, there are startups doing innovations but not the kind of innovation which we would call industry shattering or taking the level up a notch. Most of these innovations are just integrating what others are doing in an aggregated platform. I again wondered this today when I saw cognition launching Devin the AI software engineer. They have a pretty small yet highly talented team. We in India too have highly intelligent folks educating themselves in CS, why don't we have this mindset (even I don't have this mindset). Is it about the difference in culture or a sense of security that folks in the US have that helps them be free from an economic point of view and try innovative things ?

10mo ago
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