Why is making friends so hard as an adult?
Recently I was having a discussion with one "friend" which quickly turned into an argument and now I think we are done with each other forever. The argument made me realise that the more we grow up, the more we firm the boundaries around us, we make it hard for people to enter into our lives. We stop making compromises, we expect things to happen our way, we stop accepting that even we could be wrong sometimes. Even more interesting is how we handle the situations when someone starts questioning our choices, our decisions, our beliefs, we become all defensive and never admit that maybe the foundation of all we stand for is incorrect and needs re-examining. All we seek is echo chambers and yesmen in our lives and that's where we go wrong. I wish people weren't like this, I wish I wasn't like this. Perhaps this world would be a peaceful place. Sorry for the rant, but had to vent it out somehow.
Can you elaborate on the argument? Just curious on how one argument can make you lose a friend
Started with dietary choices, and moved into religion. Basically I questioned his habit of eating jain-like for on Thursdays and eating everything on other days and well it quickly escalated to religion and faith, which as usual never ends well. He started personally attacking me which I guess he's entitled to but there's only so much I'd be willing to listen to.
True, as we grow old, we experience things due to which our personalities change and then become fixed on what we experienced. It's due to these experiences that we sometimes oppose people either closed ones/Friends/new persons due to differing opinions. The only thing I can say is experience more good things to develop a positive personality and be a better person.