
Why LTIMINDTREE is depressing to work with? No positive energy. There is no motivation. Is anyone feeling the same?

5mo ago

Yes most of us are feeling the same... There seems to be almost a generation gap between managers and subordinates. Their working styles are not matching with us. Moreover, HR department's non responsive attitude is 💔. Company's priorities seem to have shifted drastically since the merger. Not sure what the management is thinking. There is no transparency. It is like one announcing their marriage/baby news to 3rd party outsider/social before before telling the family/parents/close friends.


My brain has stopped to work. No creativity or logic left here


Yup. Same here.. feels like being treated as robot..doing the same thing again and again.. completing tickets.. completing forced courses that adds nothing.. no communication with people.. forced to come to office.. in office people are like so quite.. nobody talking to one another..
It actually has sucked the life..


You pictured my whole depressing work life in this comment. Also, I am not even a developer but I am made feel that if you are not a developer you are sidelined or you add no value in the company. I am rolled off from my project in this month but my lead and DManager is not even seeking any other projects for me. I need better work environment 😭


It's high time now. Most people should resign and nobody should support the interview process.


My client was working blind folded. The way he was discussing about my projects , yesterday I got to know from one of the team members that he never discussed about the things that I discussed in one on one meeting with him. Whole team is still not knowing what was my role. I created a site, and the whole team including the client does not show any efforts till date. Meetings after meetings are getting postponed. Just I have not complained my reporting manager is saying it’s too late to tell. And we can’t do anything Mahima. They are client bla bla. Then what are we Indian employees for???


Your work is to keep informing you whatever you do. Never keep anything at your end. It's not your issue if you did this already. So relax and enjoy 😁.


Same :(


HR and WFM are in full attitude... Even while desk allocation, they got better seats allocation with help of connection with space team, and poor delivery people are allocated with rubbish desk location or some unnatural walls or 3walls desks

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