"Wish, I never had you"
MOM said this line to me, today again.
There have been countless times, when I have heard this from throughout my childhood. And then, people ask me why you don't love your mom.
I don't feel bad anymore as I have accepted this sentence for life. But it made me understand that, words like these can kill anyone's self confidence, moral and belief to stay alive.
I am thankful to my mom, that she made me strong enough in my early days that when someone says anything harsh to me now, I don't give a fuck.
Guys, always be wise to choose the words you speak to someone, even if you are in immense rage.
I am using this platform to share this, because I can never tell this to anyone else. Even, I haven't told this to my girlfriend who has been with me for the past 4 years.

I can understand your situation, my father always downplayed my abilities, forced his anxiety and insecuirties on me.
We look upto our parents as place of strength and guidance when such things happen it hurts a lot.
It's best to forgive them and understand that afterall they are normal human beings in the world like other people.
Seek therapy if you think you want

Cannot forgive for this.
Also, thanks for asking. Don't need therapy. Enough got enough doses from her so I have become numb. 🥸

Exactly the same when people ask me why I don't love my mom , or why I don't care about her absence There are a few reasons too which just can't be described.

You need to leave your home and start an independent life.