
Work from home- A unordinary lifestyle

I am 26 now. And started my career in 2018 when i was 21, and from my first day till now I am doing a wfh. Initially it felt good as you get lots of personal time, no travel time and expenses. And then in covid while people where panicking switching to wfh, I was already adapt to it very well. But lately I have now started seeing some negative impacts of it. 1- Social life is at stake as I went to study outside my home town and almost lost all my connections here. 2- No personal interaction with people on higher position than you as that helps a lot in ones upbringing. 3- Following same life style for years and years. 4- Poor physical health and mental health being in a room for 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 2-4 hours more depending on other tasks.

Adding to it now i feel it makes more sense having a office job which makes you feel more lively and a part of society.

22mo ago

instead of bitching here, go workout daily, participate in your household work, do something with your free time (cycling, hanging out with friends etc) , i am also doing wfh and absolutely love it and if you still feel wfo is better try going to blr/pune and face the traffic one way, you will thank your stars that you have wfh


I don’t know how can someone make perception that i don’t workout. Just by my words. I have been going gym since 2020. 60-90 minutes of workout per day on an average.


Then how is your health poor? Do you have some illness ?


A lifestyle issue cannot be solved by commuting to office daily and engaging in office gossip. It may act as a distraction but if I understand right, you are not working out and not practicing mindfulness to improve your physical and mental health. Once you start commuting to office, there are even lesser chances that you will start that because a good amount of time will go in traffic and unnecessary social interactions (mainly gossip).


Yes this may not be the exact solution but could lower it to some extent. It was just a thought as i have never been to office before


Point I was trying to make is - office environment won’t lower it unless you combine it with regular workout and meditation. Not to discourage you from going to the office, but prompting you to address the root cause rather than looking for workarounds (distractions)


Do household work. Cleaning your house, chopping vegetables, washing utensils, getting veggies and meat from kirana stores. You will feel more grounded. Working in software companies in office is not any better. Life is drudgery for everyone. Don't expect to do anything different.


Seems like a great thought.


100% agree with you here. As someone who suffered during work from home myself - everything has become better for me as I returned to work from office.

Mental health, physical health and relationships and friends. All better.


Have been doing WFH Since 2019 and enjoying so far. As you mentioned, me too, have lost connections with my friends even with those which were close friends. I would suggest you to go on vacation, alone if no one joins you, it helps so much.


Yeah, have been already doing that too. At least you could relate to this.


Absolutely right. WFH feels nice only for a short-while, in the long term it starts causing trouble. Our work was supposed to be done from Office, for several reasons. There are several aspects to it, and everyone understands those, but many still prefer to put their heads under sand like an Ostrich. And surly most companies will be reverting to work from office model soon. On one hand there are layoffs, and on the other hand, people are so concerned about work from office being a reality, amazing!


Thats soo true. It feels like a sweet dish in short time of span and later on leads to diabetes


If we think about staying at home for many hours while doing WFH.... Then we have to think about our wives and mothers because they are cooking, cleaning and taking care of us, our children and they aren't suffering like us thinking like I'm having a poor connection with friends and having less physical health.

We want WFO to manage juniors especially freshers and less experience candidates and to gossip with managers and colleagues for promotion and our own benefits.

In olden days people worked from home only. Example Small scale industries like handicrafts making etc.... in cities you are having a lot of pollution health issues tiredness... Just think wisely. Not to criticize anyone here.

In olden days


My physical health has definitely went down since COVID era.


Have a gf or get married start involving yourself in life other than work


It’s about how well you can adapt

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