Ye flight land hote hi khade ho jane ka logic kya hai?
Kya kar loge 5 min bacha ke bhai.

Happened to me couple of hours ago when I landed in Bangalore.
The uncle next to me was like - kitna late hogaya, itna time thodi na lagta hai.. airline wale slow hai.. blah blah.
I was like - uncle plane bhi aap hi uda lete, hum 30mjns pehle land kar jaate

As AIB aptly put it, Premature Evacuation

As someone who does not carry checked in luggage, I am always trying to get home/destination in a hurry. In international flights the added trauma of waiting in line at immigration makes me want to leave the flight as soon as possible. Honestly, it has proven life saver at times. Also the claustrophobic atmosphere doesn’t help

But there are people before you who are also getting down. If you are in window seat, you would atleast wait till your co-passengers moves.

India is an impatient nation. Thinks that they have lot to catch up on. Hence, that reflects in our behaviour. Unlike old generation who believed in long term, mostly new generation is all about short-termism.

Just to enjoy traffic