You are alone at the end of the day..!
Looking back at our college days, I remember how close we were. We used to think our friendship would last forever not only friends but cousins too, but things have changed. No one keeps in touch anymore. The friends I used to fart with are now distant, and when we do talk, it's only after months.
It's frustrating. We're doing well financially, but our relationships are suffering. Whether it's because of work pressure or being tied to the office, we can't visit our hometowns as often as we'd like.
On weekends, I find myself drinking alone, scrolling through old photos and videos of friends and family with some songs playing, and crying.
Life goes on...! Monday comes restart....!
I just wanted to share the feelings so i did :)

Understandable. At the end of the day, only you can make yourself happy. Making friends after 20 is a tough nut to crack. Most people run away when you hit your lows. Cant trust anyone
Btw whats wrong with that username. Wierd fantasies lol