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Oil & Natural Gas

By · Customer success

Guys, what skincare routine do you follow to reduce acne and oily skin?

Do mention products you use. How are the “minimalist” products?
Indian Startups

My stupidity spoiled my interview at zomato today

So as I am constantly looking for entry level product roles and preparing for GRE together, i somehow received call from Zomato's hiring team yesterday that my interview is scheduled at 11 am today for ZAAP ( Zomato associate accelerator program) . I joined the interview via google meet , the role was based on customer experience aka customer delight where if you will perform well you can get to join other roles such as program management , growth etc. after 8-10 month or an year , there were some hypothetical situations that interviewer given to us while dealing with customers and instead of focusing on how should I present myself in front of customers, deal with them etc , i started giving the solutions for improving the products that would reduce the customer complaints and took some guesstimates into consideration, although my solution was unique where I also added that how apart from refund or replacement for their orders if they are disappointed, we could also provide reimbursement to them via giving coupon codes of blinkit where they could order ready to eat snacks instead of missing order if time was actually a constraint for them but i realised that at the end They were looking for my communication and grammar which is good but i didn't focus much on that instead of solving the problem in a whole product management consulting way , to to them
News Discussion
By · Journalist

Muhammad Yunus Appointed Interim Leader Amid Bangladesh Turmoil

- Muhammad Yunus, Nobel laureate and microcredit pioneer, has been appointed head of Bangladesh's interim government following the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. - Despite his non-political stance, Yunus is seen as a stabilizing figure due to his integrity and global connections, including ties with Western elites like Richard Branson and the Clintons. - Bangladesh is in chaos with violent clashes resulting in over 300 deaths, and Yunus's leadership is expected to restore normalcy. - Yunus has faced numerous legal battles, which he claims were politically motivated, and remains focused on social business and poverty alleviation. - The regional implications of Bangladesh's unrest are significant, with Yunus warning of potential destabilization and refugee influxes in neighboring countries. Source: [Business Today](
News Discussion
By · Journalist

Anti-Hasina Mobs in Bangladesh Target Hindu Minorities Amidst Political Turmoil

- The mobs opposed to Bangladesh’s deposed leader Sheikh Hasina are looting and rioting across the country, targeting facilities and leaders of Hasina’s Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) as well as minorities. - At least two Hindu councillors have been killed, and attacks on temples and houses of Hindu commonfolk have been reported. The violence has been fueled by the pro-Pakistan Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami. - The agitation began as a student-led protest against the quota system but escalated into a mass movement against Hasina’s 15-year rule, climaxing on Sunday with nearly 100 people killed. Hasina resigned and fled the country on Monday. - Religious centres of the Hindu movement ISKCON and temples of goddess Kali have been attacked. In Meherpur, an ISKCON center was burnt, and deities were destroyed. In Noakhali, mobs attacked Hindu houses. - Student protest leader Prapti Taposhi highlighted the ongoing violence against Hindus, criticizing the military for not protecting the minority. There are concerns that with Hasina out of the picture, the persecution of Hindus could massively increase. Source: First Post
By · Technical Specialist

Should I leave my oil PSU job to prepare for UPSC CSE?

Hello everyone, I am currently facing a career dilemma and would greatly appreciate your advice and insights. I'm not able to reach any conclusion even after giving it a lot of thought. For context, I've done my Btech in Mech from one of the top NITs and I'm currently working in an Oil PSU (2 years work experience as of June 2024). While the job has been stable and rewarding, I really want to prepare for UPSC CSE as it has been a dream since school days. (Ik many people dream of it) Financially my family is in a comfortable position, which can give me the flexibility to pursue this. However, thinking practically it feels a little risky and scary considering my current job. My current job role requires me to travel frequently and no chance of wfh as well. I'm 24 years old right now, let's say if I give two attempts for this exam that process will take time till 2026. And in case I'm not able to clear prelims of even 2026 attempt, I'll prepare for CAT. In this case: 1. By the time I complete my MBA I'll be 28. Is this too late to enter again in the corporate world? (Might be okay if I get IIMs) 2. If I'm not able to clear CAT, then what would I do? What are my options? (Pardon me if I'm not clear) Has anyone here made a similar switch or knows someone who has? I would love to hear your experiences, advice, and any guidance you can provide. Ps: I've already started my prep with job as I cannot afford to waste time till I make any decision. Thank you for your time and help!
Office Gossip
By · Analyst

Rant on Engineers in BLR: Many of you are super spoilt and need a reality check

SWEs in BLR startups are insufferably spoiled. During the bull market, they were showered with exorbitant salaries, bonuses, and stock options, creating a sense of entitlement that’s now out of control. It doesn't go away, despite the layoffs. They barely grasp fundamentals of how startups or businesses operate. They believe their coding skills alone entitle them to dictate terms, oblivious to critical aspects like burn, need to ship fast, how investors look at startups etc. Their obsession with "WLB" is unexplainable, the entitlement comes out of thin air. Business teams are expected to burning the midnight oil to keep the company afloat, these engineers balk at the idea of working beyond a cushy six-hour day. Their arrogance is staggering. They act as if their presence is a gift to the company. Here's how to identify them: they seldom take a bath, their hair are often in a mess, and you'll find them the first to leave as the clock strikes 5:30 pm in the evening. Needs a harsh reality check. They must understand that building a business requires more than just coding. It demands teamwork, humility, and a deep understanding of how things work. This isn't how other engineers, at unicorns that have paid off well to employees, were. They weren't this bratty. This punctures the entire ecosystem!
Movies & Music
By · Founder

Kota Factory spoilers + question

Warning: spoilers. Don’t read beyond this if you still want to see the show. Does any one finds the ending low key realistic when the only two general category male candidates in the core group show is focused on were not selected, while others were. (There is a female quota at IITs too afaik). They did not highlight this, but seems to be written this way intentionally.