2020/2021 Tier-1 MBA grads: 2023 job market scenario
How was 2023's down job market for IIM ABC grads (or any T1 school) who graduated in 2021 or 2020?
Did your MBA (degree or network) make it any easier for you in this market?

Not IIMABC alumnus but as someone with a network:
MBA network makes it significantly easier to find roles

Everyone says that but I'm hard pressed to find any examples.
What has your story been?

What example could you possibly want lol (if you're fishing for a contradictory opinion you're not going to get a valid one)
I'm not an IIT/IIM grad but have built a network, which essentially translates into an interview (or more) for every role I'm eligible for at cos in the network

2020 grad. Not actively looking now. But I have friends who are actively looking ( laid off from startups) consultants who are holding their exits. Obviously network and brand advantage are there..but Network helps with reference, only if openings are there right?🥲