
Help required!

Property division is going on in my maternal grandmother house . My mother has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Most of the property ( around 120 bigha worth around 300 crores) is located in center of a district in Bihar . I recently got to know that my mama (maternal uncle) has made my mother sign noc 2 years ago. Mother's sisters are yet to sign noc. Is there anything I can do now to prevent this fraud from continuing?




3 months ago

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Adulting on

by BlickCait


I wish life was a little easier and I just need to vent

My mother called me yesterday and tells me she got scammed for about 10 lakhs and needs money by Monday. She has 4 lakhs and I will have to cover the rest. Turns out she let a friend take a loan in her name and this friend gave fake jewellery as collateral. The friend took loans under her husband’s name and my mom’s name, she divorced the dude and escaped. The bank called my mom and has asked her to pay, now they’re filing a case against my mom for fraud. I’ve spent my weekend talking to advocates and friends, and looks like the only way to get out of it unscathed is to cut a deal with the bank saying we’ll pay the money back and they don’t press charges in return. Contesting the bank is going to take time, money and the risk of my mom losing her job. As an older daughter who grew up in a broken family, I’ve spent my childhood and adulthood protecting my mother and sibling. I finally landed a well paying job 2 years ago and now the responsibility extended to providing for my younger sister and my mother financially which I’m more than happy to do. I’ve worked hard the past few months to save what I have right now beyond what I give my family, use to sustain myself and finally felt happy about the position I’m in. Now I’m heartbroken. I’m going to be emptying almost 70% of what I have so far for this for paying the bank and the lawyer. Especially for something that’s not even my mistake and something that could have been easily avoided. I’m not in a place to direct my anger at her, I know it’s a hard time for her as well. 6 to 7 lakhs might sound like a small amount to some but I don’t have the privilege to throw money like that. I don’t have fuck you money. I don’t take money from friends. I’m 25 and literally just started my life 2 years ago after working for peanuts. What’s even the point of working hard, leading an honest life if this is how it works? It’s just truly unfair and I don’t know how to deal with it.


Office Gossip on

by Builderboy


Got married, but some last minute twists!

I got huge love and support from Grapeviners on my wedding posts So me and my beautiful lady got married last week, Friday. Earky morning 14th, I along with my close friends left for wedding destination. All of this was conveyed to my family (Mother & Sister) and on the morning of 14, my mother said, “Do think one last time.” I replied with the same to her. On our way, my Sister called me and said, stleast you should have met me before going. But post this call she called my to be wife and asked for her Mother’s and Brother’s mobile number. In reply my to be wife(now wife) replied that “Why? And I have to ask “me” for this”. She then called me. I called my sister and she started spewing things against her to me. She started convincing that if she is not respecting us today how will she respect us in future. And they also threatened to book a tickets for them to come to the destination. Then my maternal uncle called my friend and told him “Whatever is happening is wrong, and if you can stop it plz stop”. Lot was happening over phone. My mother and sister were continuously asking me to cancel the marriage and come back home. I was getting worried, what if they come tomorrow. They are in process of taking any step to halt the things. We all reached destination, got a warm welcome from my to be wife’s family. Few events started happening and we all started enjoying them. In evening I met my to be wife and she was worried and fearful. What is they(my mom, sister and Maternal uncle) come at the location. They will create a scene and there are lot of family members over there. To escape this, I took a call to tell my family that I ran away from the marriage. I kept them involved in this till the marriage got over. But even till now, I have not told them that I got married. Now I want to tell them this but have to figure out how?


Adulting on

by Deadpool93


Worst times for men! Better to be a monster than a hero

I am a 30 M , got married in 2020 and clearly the marriage was not working out. My wife and her mother was always finding ways to control me from the beginning with all the little things and my wife started this drama like with every fight she used to leave the house and stay at her mother’s and not comeback until all the parents gets involved and me asking sorry, one time she left the house because I cooked the curry and had asked her to do roti this turned into a fight and just for that she left the house. And her mother threatened me that she won’t send her daughter back until I ask sorry. There were LOT of these instances and at one point I really got fed up and started standing up for myself, in the last fight she said she won’t come back again and I said please don’t I am also tired of this. After a month she started reaching out to me asking sorry and apologies and all but I had lost all trust in the relationship and I wanted sometime. Even if I let her in her mother would have ruined the relationship again , so I asked her since I have no trust you have to agree on that in future if we get divorced if we have kids the kids stay with me and I won’t pay any alimony. Following this discussion she lodged a fake domestic violence and dowry case against me and my family. And I filed for divorce after I seeing police station and all. I have all the evidence to prove that I am innocent but the court is taking very very long time and now she is asking for for a huge amount only the she will agree for divorce 😣