
My story as a woman in this city

I'm still hesitant to share that story so please bear with me. I was at Church Street Social yesterday night to meet some of my college friends. After a few drinks and a nice dinner at 12:30ish we decided to leave. Since, Uber was taking some time I was sitting w/ a few of my friends and talking. As soon as one of our guy friends left for home two women suddenly approached us and demanded for cash. We obviously denied and started walking away from them. So, I am not a very strong woman and I am slightly anemic, one of them suddenly pushed me back. My friends started helping me recover and also started to verbally fight with them. Thankfully, a security guard from the nearby restaurant shooed them away. I am obviously very worried about this incident and do not want to discuss this with anyone. I am too scared tbh and have moved in with few of my friends for some emotional support. This is also the reason why I am venting out because I just want to feel heard and understood rather than be told about what I should or shouldn't do.




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Office Gossip on

by InsidiousBruh


Here's what happened next, after Police arrested my Colleague's Wife

Background During a trip to Thailand, me and a colleague accidentally swapped bags. When I called to explain the mistake, his wife accused me of trying to seduce her husband. She harassed me with phone calls, and later threw eggs at my residence. Then, set her husband's bag on fire and got into trouble with the police. She was then arrested. For full context: I would also like to address those who said that the story is fake. It isn't. I genuinely posted this here because as a woman it is hard to find spaces online to vent my frustrations. I was genuinely distressed at the moment and my flatmates did take care of me. I also received tons of support from the community here and I am thankful for that. Here's what happened next: I decided not to press charges as I am living away from my family and I don't want this to be the reason they start interfering in my personal freedom. Over the weekend, she apologized and invited me for dinner, I obviously declined because she acted all insane before. But she is literally so dramatic that she lied to everyone that I came to her house and hit her so hard that she puked all over her clothes. Thankfully, their society has CCTV coverage and I didn't even leave my home all weekend. So, no one believed her this time. Our group thankfully supported me throughout this and the colleague is no longer in the group. Now, I just want to get over this traumatic experience which when I look back at is too unreal to even think about.


Bangalore on

by everyone


Bengaluru is Not Safe sometimes :(

I had a terrible experience last week Friday and want everyone in Bengaluru to be safe. I was assaulted. Incident 1: I went to drop a colleague after an office event and was returning away to my place. It was around 1-1:30 am. It was a single road and i was ascending an up and i saw a tempo-traveler coming the same way not stopping. The tempo didn't stop and immediately i took the reverse gair and started coming back and i heard a sound that tempo hit my car. I stopped and rolled down my window to see i there was a damage, as i couldn't see i got out of the car and asked the tempo driver if it hit my car (in my local language - telugu) i saw him coming down with unusual body language (could see he was drunk) and i said "nothing" (again in my local language) and got into the car. A second man got down and the tempo started hitting me through the window, followed by the first man punching me in the nose, breaking it. They banged on the car like anything and broke the right mirror. i bled and I got half conscious. Two more men from tempo joined in, assaulting me. I managed to roll up my window and drive home, bleeding and half-conscious. With blood all over my clothes, car and accessories i couldn't sleep as i could breathe with a broken nose. Incident 2: The same morning, to report the incident, I returned to the spot with my brother to identify the tempo. A local man offered help, suggesting my brother take photos of the tempos for identification. Suddenly, two women started abusing us, and a man attacked my brother, accusing him of taking pictures. The man threatened us against involving the police threatening he would see the end of us. I've lived in Bengaluru for 5 years and have seen many such instances recently. Recently, the crime rate has increased significantly. Please be safe and careful while driving at night. This can happen to anyone PS: This is something I found on LinkedIn today.

#Bengaluru is Not Safe anymore :( I had a terrible experience last week Friday and want everyone in Bengaluru to be safe. I was assaulted....
