If you are a women, then its fine. If you are a man, don't. its a dead end domain.
If you google, about the roles and responsibility of a HR, you will get to read about how HR " builds core competency", " change management", "work Culture", and all other fancy words. But in real life, the HR department has about 1 or 2 people in the top who does all the important work - because these are all strategic in nature, pursued/evaluated once a year. The rest of the team do the drudgery work - clerical stuff.
Not that i demean what they do, what they do is needed to run the company. But for men, we need a little stress at our work or we will be bored. Of course i cant speak for all men, but from what i have seen, men get bored soon if their daily job is to discuss the rangoli colors for the day.