
DSE role change?

It's been more than 1.5 years in the DSE role and I still haven't received any appraisal from L0 TO L1. What do you think, will it happen in the current mid year pitstop?




6 months ago

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Layoffs on

by Job_hunter_sde


Laid Off | Stuck Now | Too Anxious | Please guide

Hi folks, I recently got laid off from a startup where 50% of the engineering team was let go. I was working as an SDE and during a restructuring, my role was changed to SDE-2 without any increase in pay or responsibilities. I have a total of 2.5 years of experience. In my first company (where I worked for a year), there weren't many projects, so I didn't have the opportunity to learn or code much. However, in my second company, I primarily worked on the backend using Go, Django, Kafka, MongoDB, & PostgreSQL. I realize that although I gained exposure in my second job, I didn't delve deeply into the technologies. I mainly focused on completing business tasks quickly, learning new things just to finish the task at hand, without solidifying my understanding afterward. My experience seems suitable for an SDE-2 role, but I'm unsure if I can perform the role with complete honesty and may struggle. Some friends in similar situations reassure me that this struggle is common in SDE-2 roles. However, I feel I might be better off starting again as an SDE-1, focusing on my weak areas, and aiming for a promotion later. There are very few SDE-1 job openings currently. I am actively interviewing for SDE-2, and not able to clear system design interviews. Tbh, I feel very humiliated as when I am not able to answer their questions it feels like I am wasting their time or they would be thinking: Oh this guy has been working for so long and doesn't even know anything. Now I get it why people think Indian Software engineers are not that good in comparison to other countries' devs: the reason is people like me. This realization burdens me with guilt, occupying my thoughts constantly. However, I am confident that I can crack SDE-1 easily. I have good DSA & good enough LLD, &HLD skills for SDE1. I am looking for companies who can match my prev Salary: 22 L, 2 Bonus. Can u help how to navigate this career situation effectively without increasing my guilt or feeling constantly humiliated?


Software Engineers on

by SpydrJug10


Getting overshadowed in tech team

I work in a small startup, we have 10 people in Frontend Team. 2 SDE-2, rest all SDE-1. I joined as Sde-1, when I joined them, we were 4(2 SDE-2 and 2 SDE-1). At the time of joining, they had a messy codebase, nobody cared about writing good, optimized code etc. Whenever I got chance to work on old feature, I used to re-write entire code from scratch, made reusable functions, components and moved common functionalities there, all these made the UI better, platform stable. Worked on optimization and performance. These folks never cared about all these things. Also started peer reviewing everyone's PRs, explained them various design patterns and made them write re-usable components, optimized, bug-free code and other things. Now I came to know, all these efforts of my mine never reached my manager to due manipulation by one of the SDE-2. My manager likes this guy and allowed him to handle the FE team. This guy has shown that he's the one who took all these initiative and he got all these things done by the team. He involved the other SDE-2 in this game. Fast forward 1 year, I see most of my code has been slightly modified by him, moved to new file and my actual file is deleted. He has done this in order to remove my GitHub history. I'm now getting frustrated and don't know how to handle this. Resigning is not an option and raising with manager won't help as he's slightly biased and won't believe me. Any help would be appreciated. TIA