Does anyone exists who actually loves their job?
Recently, every friend or colleague of mine have been on rant mode and very dissatisfied with jobs despite being paid bomb money and crazy esops.
Is everyone in every organisation in all functions so unhappy or is this just GenZ problem of setting wrong expectations from the Job?
Not happy even after getting good salary. Salary is not the issue, but after certain age you get bored
But then how do one keep themselves motivated in longer run.for me it’s almost ~ 4years now and I already feel like people ahead of me are so done with the Job despite getting tons of money.
Not sure what should I look forward to in long run.
No biases or opinions but just an observation and with all due respect, how come people in MNCs are able to get through 15-20years without getting bored then?
I have no idea.
No one is ever satisfied with their job. They just learn to live with it mostly.
Jay Shah & Rajeev Shukla
I used to for 5 years! Gave my everything and got a lot in return too!