Employment bond
I have employment bond of 1 year, I just completed 2 months here and I’m not liking the old technology (80’s technology) I’ve been assigned here. The salary is hardly sufficient to lead a basic life too. I'm getting calls from Naukri for Java backend roles where I could see myself in the future. How do I handle notice period of 3 months if I get an offer and do I really have to pay them 1 lakh as penalty if I leave ?
Hi! I'm a lawyer, it's difficult to give you exact advice without read the clauses, though in general bonds, etc are not valid in India. If you'd like to solicit a proper legal opinion, please feel free to drop a text on TG JadeArgent is my username
Bonds are usually bluff. They can't do shit. They'll file a case against you but that too will usually get dismissed in the court before going to trial.
If they exploit you enough and you have proof, you may counter-sue or settle outside the court.
Better call saul.