Good gyms in Indiranagar/HAL?
Hey, anyone know a good not so crowded but decent equipment and pricing gyms near HAL, Murugeshpalya, Indiranagar? Would be really helpful thanks.
Hey guys can someone give me an idea of the pricing here for gyms?
What’s a decent price vs a premium price?
I have no reference. Thanks!
1k per month
7.5k annually on Sarjapur road
For a 12 month membership (with 3 month extension free) CultFit costs around 18-19k. If you prefer group classes over gym (with added mobility of pan India network) can go for Cult. . Not that Cult doesn't offer gym, but elsewhere you *might get better trainers who make it more personalized. . Also note that classes are popular and therefore in short supply. For a most sought after ones like dance workout, you usually have to reserve a slot 1-2 days in advance
The tier just below the most premium one in cult costs about 10k a year. With 2 months extension etc, it comes down to about 800 a month (but you get this rate only if you buy for the year or more).
7k-24k per year
Hey, anyone know a good not so crowded but decent equipment and pricing gyms near HAL, Murugeshpalya, Indiranagar? Would be really helpful thanks.
I’m looking for some gym recommendations
I was hoping for a personal trainer who also helps with diet and stuff. I don’t believe Gyms like cult are doing a great job. And most of these trainers are more focused on selling supplements ra...
Can anyone recommend some great gyms in these areas? I’m looking for a gym that fits within a budget of approx. 18k per year.
Hey guys, can anyone recommend good gyms in Indiranagar/ CV Raman Nagar/ Murugeshpalya/HAL? Worrying to look at how every gym has at-least one bad review/story.
Decent equipment, timings and not too expensive hopefully. Thanks!