
Has any of you damaged your relationship with your manager beyond repair?

I did that with my previous manager. He was extremely toxic for me. I ended up complaining about him multiple times and since nothing happened, I quit. The relationship soured to the point that we didn't even look at each other, let alone greeting the other. I know I might be an extreme case but has anything remotely similar happened to any of you?

8mo ago
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These things happen with non-chaatu employees so it’s ok. Happened with me and my frnds.


Then there are people who don't let emotions get over their head and deal with situations smartly so that they never have to fight anyone.


There are ppl who are straight forward and they like it this way.


Once during a discussion my manager made some comments and taunted me for my mental health issues - due to which I had taken few leaves. I waited for a months and handed in my notice without any job in hand. Most people advised me against and saying I was making a huge mistake. However, for me, respect and dignity and the most important factors than any job - and I did not change my mind on it. He never once discussed his comments or said sorry - guess he didn’t want to because of his ego or maybe he didn’t even realise he did anything wrong.


Me and he has taken his revenge. Has put me in PIP and given me ultimatum for 2 months

It did hit hard. Took a mental toll on me and for the first time in my 10 year’s career I started doubting myself

Though he is well aware what he has done to me and he has categorically emphasized that it might be wrong but that’s how business is done

Nonetheless I am slowly coming back on track

Preparing myself to take a breather post May for few months and jump right back in stronger and better

Will see


My manager pressured me into putting one of my direct reports into PIP (because PIP has more to do with satisfy one's ego than performance) which I refused to. Few days later I got to know that my manager scheduled a meeting with HR to put him under PIP without keeping me in loop. Somehow managed to get the invite and accused my manager of misusing power for personal grudges. There is no justification of putting an employee with excellent rating on PIP. Never talked to each other for months post that day and resigned once I got a better offer.


Hahahahaha all the time. I wouldn't be great at my job if I did not.

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